Fantastic Fall
Happy October! September was such a beautiful month with just a hint of Fall weather. The theme for October is “Fantastic Fall.” On that note, the weather will continue to become chillier, so please make sure your child has seasonally appropriate clothing in their cubby, as well as, a sweater or sweatshirt for chilly mornings on the playground.
The first two weeks of October we will talk all about the Fall and the season. We will observe and describe the seasonal changes in plants, animals, and their personal lives. We are hoping to spend a lot of time outside, taking nature walks and to do some leaf collecting. Our art activities will include watercolor leaves, leaf rubbing, nature walk collages and so much more. We will also be working on identifying leaves and the trees they come from. During circle we will be asking open ended questions as the children make observations about the pumpkin shells and insides as we begin to carve them, this will give them the chance to make predictions about changes in objects or materials based on past experiences.
The following week will be all about Fire Safety. We have so many great activities planned for this week! We will have a visit from the fire truck. The children will be making a variety of fire safety gear, fire hats, and practice several fire drills and safety protocols. Hill-O-Ween, our Halloween festival at Eastern Market, will take place Friday October 25th. The last week will be Spirit Week, which will include our Harvest Festival and costume parade will take place on Thursday October 31st. This is sure to be a week full of fun. Please read further to get prepared for what is to come and what your child will need each day during Spirit Week.
Week 1: What is Fall
Week 2: Seasons
Sight Word: She - ella
Letters: Ee, Ff
Number: 2 – Two – Dos
Color: Yellow – amarillo
Shape: Triangle. – triángulo
Week 3: Fire Safety
Week 4: Spirit Week – All about colors
Sight Word: My - mi;
Letters: Gg, Hh;
Color: Green - verde;
Number: 3 – Three - Tres;
Shape: Rectangle - rectángulo

Upcoming Events Calendar
10/14: Columbus Day (CENTER CLOSED)
10/15: Assessments Begin
10/25: Hill-O-Ween (CENTER CLOSED at 3:00PM)
10/28 - 11/1: Spirit Week - All About The Colors of Fall
10/31: Harvest Festival and Costume Parade

Hispanic Heritage Month
The idea for Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated September 15 to October 15, began as a way to promote the history, culture, and contributions of Hispanic-Americans — specifically, those whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Communities mark the achievements of Hispanic and Latino Americans with festivals and educational activities.
The children will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month through a series of learning activities that include a fiesta with tasty food, mariachi music, and handmade sombreros. Look for more information soon about these activities.

Monday: Sports Day (Represent your favorite team!)
Tuesday: Pajama Day
Wednesday: Classroom Color Day
Thursday: Costume Day (Bring costume with child)
Friday: Silly Hat Day
During School Spirit Week, students celebrate their school pride by participating in activities related to the theme. Let’s show our school spirit!!

Hill-O-Ween @ Eastern Market Friday October 25th
Welcome to the BEST Halloween party and trick or treat event in the district for 25 years running!...and it's free! Hill-O-ween is a community event that brings loads of extra-spooky, screech-inducing fun to families and kids of all ages. Guess who is hosting this year again...University for Kids and KU Kids Deanwood.
University for Kids will close at 3:00pm on Friday October 25th in order for our team to prepare for a successful event. Come trick or treat with community organizations / businesses and enjoy all the costume fun beginning at 5:00pm. Some of the activities include a spooky dance party, dress-up and costume contest, moon bounces, entertainment and much more still to be announced.
For more information, visit HilloweenDC.com or message us at hilloweendc@gmail.com We look forward to seeing our families there!

Harvest Festival & Costume Parade - Parents Welcome!
The Harvest Party and Costume parade will all take place after nap-time on Thursday October 31st. As soon as the kids wake up, the teachers will host the party inside their classrooms individually. We will ask for treats and goodie bags items that parents can bring in for the party.
The costume parade will begin promptly at 4pm. We encourage parents to come and watch your child and friends as they parade in their costumes. Parents will be asked to remain outside in courtyard until the children come out to start the parade.

October Menu
Menus are subject to change without notice depending on availability of items. For any questions, please message us at kiddieuniversitycapitolhill@gmail.com.

Friendly Reminders: Parent Policies & Procedures
Late Pick Up Fees: Late pick up beings after 6pm. At 6:05, the fee starts at $15 and then for each subsequent minute, the fee is $1 per minute.
Illness Policy: Please review our Illness policy for signs and symptoms to look out for. Remember that any doctor’s notes must be brought in person as a hard copy for your child to be admitted after testing positive for a communicable disease.
Parent Handbook: Please review your parent handbook for University for Kids here.

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